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Simple SEO for Bloggers
Understanding the Nature of SEO
Find Optimal Keywords
Why Do Keywords Matter?
Identify Your Keyword Topics
Finding Keywords from Competitors on ahrefs
Finding Keywords by Topic on ahrefs
Finding Keywords with Free Keyword Research Tools
Identifying the Best Keywords to Target
Setting Up a Writing Schedule
Write Your Articles
Write the Best Article on the Internet
Assess the Competition: Intro
Assess the Competition: Content
A Quick Note on Why Longer Content Tends to Rank Higher
Outline Your Article
Write Your Article
Optimize Readability
Ship the Damn Thing
Repeat the Process Over and Over
Optimize Your Articles for SEO
Intro to Optimization
Create a Keyword-Focused Title
Create a Keyword-Focused Slug
Create a Useful Meta Description
Link TO Your Other Articles
Link FROM Your Other Articles
Link TO External Articles
Use Effective Headers
Use Image Alt Tags
Market Your Articles
Intro to Marketing
Reach Out to Anyone Mentioned
Choose One Major Social Media Platform to Dominate
Submit Your Articles on Reddit
Outsource if Necessary
Keep Going
A Recap of the Process
Additional Resources
Identifying the Best Keywords to Target
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